Aeropress to French Press: Homebrewing Techniques 101

French Press with Volcanic Soil Coffee

There are many benefits to making your own coffee at home: it's more affordable, your order is always just right, and you can customize your drink ingredients exactly to your taste and diet preferences. If you're ready to upgrade your house blend with a few new home brewing techniques, read on! We're reviewing three brewing methods that you might not have tried before.


This single-serve brewing method1 uses pressure to keep the brewing process quick, minimizing bitterness and allowing for a wide range of brew strength customization. The equipment is affordable, retailing around $30, and new users pick up the technique quickly. Those wanting to decrease their waste can purchase reusable metal filters. This handy brewing device is easily transportable and makes camping 1000% times better, because every coffee lover knows that going without coffee in the morning is less than desirable.

Moka Pot

This stovetop espresso coffee maker1 produces a strong cup and is perfect for homemade Americanos2, hot or iced. The pot is easy to use and quite durable, lasting decades if properly cared for. Use fine grounds to make coffee in this style. Because of the heat of the water and the pressure used during extraction, Moka pot coffee tends to be strong, a bit bitter, and bold. If you love espresso but don't want to spring for an expensive machine, consider trying a Moka pot!

French Press

This method steeps grounds in hot water before filtering the grounds with a plunger. French press3, or press pot, coffee is becoming increasingly popular, perhaps in part because of the ease of use and affordability of brands on the market. Coffee made in a press pot is quite bold and tastes best when made with freshly ground beans.

Are you ready to try a new brewing method? Regardless of which method you choose, we're confident you'll love our Pure Costa Rican beans. Try some today!

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1., AeroPress Review – Why The AeroPress Is One Of The Best Coffee Makers, Referenced July 3, 2019

2., Stovetop Americanos, Referenced July 3, 2019

3., How to Use a Frenchpress Coffee Maker

Gabriel Day