Stir Up Your Morning Latte Routine

Espresso Maker using Volcanic Soil Coffee

Greeting the morning with a latte is the best way to start the day. But, if the routine of milk and sugar is getting stale, what's a coffee devotee to do?

A web search shows there are some pretty creative ideas for personalizing everyone's favorite morning pick-me-up. Our search also found that a lot of people spend way too much time decorating the top of the latte instead of coming up with interesting combinations to go into the cup. Complex designs are pretty, but a variation of flavors is what we're after. Here are a few of our favorites.

Cinnamon Latte from Made for Me and You1 uses agave syrup. It is a mild sweetener made from the sap of the cactus which is used to make tequila. It's not as sweet as sugar; the lighter color is almost neutral in taste and simply adds sweetness. The amber and dark varieties are often described as providing a caramel or maple syrup-like flavor.

Honey can be used instead of agave. The flavor of honey varies depending on the flowers from which the bees gathered nectar. In general, honey gives a mellow sweetness which isn't overpowering as sugar can be.

Turmeric Coffee Latte from Allrecipes.com2 uses coconut milk and stevia. Turmeric, a spice that's making waves as a natural anti-inflammatory is combined with ground cinnamon and ginger. Turmeric and ginger both have a nice warming effect.

Stevia is a plant native to South America which has been used since pre-Columbian times as a sweetener. It is so intensely sweet, a very little goes a long way. It's now widely available as a powder or liquid extract.

Dark Chocolate Pistachio Latte from Nespresso3 uses pistachio and chocolate syrups. Foamy milk, espresso, and cocoa powder (for dusting) complete the ingredients list.

Banana Caramel Latte also from Nespresso4 uses real banana puree for the sweet element. Blended with milk and espresso and topped with caramel sauce, this is a satisfying dessert-in-the-morning latte.

Try an alternative to cow's milk like these beverages (we won't call them 'milks'):

  • oats, rice
  • nuts (almond, cashew, coconut, hazelnut, macadamia, walnut)
  • hemp
  • soy

Other alternate sweeteners:

  • xylitol
  • coconut nectar
  • date sugar

Whatever your choice of substitutes for the milk and sugar, a latte that starts with our low-acid, pure Arabica coffee characterized by aromas of sugarcane and chocolate is sure to give your day a great beginning.

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1. Made for Me and You, The Perfect Latte, Referenced July 3, 2019

2., Turmeric Coffee Latte, Referenced July 3, 2019

3. Nespresso, Dark Chocolate Pistachio Latte, Referenced July 3, 2019

4., Banana Caramel Latte

Gabriel Day